
Derecho fiscal Cortez Berlanga

Tax regulations are continuously changing in our country due to the different reforms made to the tax law. This situation creates many difficulties for taxpayers, who due to constitutional regulations must comply with their tax duties both, timely and efficiently.

In addition to the latter, all companies need a strategic plan with regard to taxes in order to have a better commercial performance that allows them growing and consolidating in their line of business.
Therefore, our team offers the following services in order for the taxpayer to have the tools and the adequate legal counsel to defend his best interests with regard to tax law:

• Legal representation of clients before local and federal administrative and tax authorities.

• Consultations on tax matters, including the processing of several authorizations.

• Legal advice on compliance with tax duties

• Presentation of information and documents required by the tax authorities

• Legal advice and support with regard visits to the facilities, revisions to the counseling office, injunctions, and other fiscal actions carried out by tax authorities

• Creation of payment contracts through installments

• Legal defense against the imposition of fines, fiscal credits derived from visits to facilities and revisions of the counseling office.

• Legal defense against actions carried out through the Administrative Enforcement Proceeding such as payment requests, seizure, inspection with a receiver as an auditing agent, removal action of depository, and auctioning of goods.

• Processing of conclusive agreements before the Office of the Inspector General for the Defense of the Taxpayer (PRODECON, for its Spanish acronym).

• Filing of appeals for reconsideration of tax matters.

• Interposition of Contentious-Administrative Lawsuit against actions or judgments regarding tax matters before the Federal Tax and Administrative Justice Court.

• Processing of Writs of Amparo against tax laws, actions, and judgment of the local and federal fiscal authorities.