
Derecho contableCortez Berlanga

Accounting is one of the most important tools of businesses because it indicates the financial and economic reality of the company, the changes it has experienced, its tendencies, and its projection to the future. Thus, it is vital for every company to have effective accounting practices in order for it to have real and precise information that will serve as the foundation for the decision making process and sustainable growth of the business. Therefore, our office offers the following services:

• Legal advice to interpret tax laws.

• Management to process documentation before governmental agencies such as SAT (Internal Revenue Service), IMSS, and INFONAVIT.

• Processing of general accounting.

• Calculation of provisional, final, and annual payments of Federal Taxes such as the Income Tax, Value Added Tax, and Corporate Flat Tax Rate.

• Calculation of Local Taxes such as Payroll Taxes and Taxes for Commercial Hosting Services.

• Preparation of Informative Tax Returns such as the Monthly Report of Transactions with Third Parties, Monthly Payment of Value Added Taxes, Annual Report of Transactions with Clients and Suppliers, Annual Payment of Added Value Taxes, and Annual Report of Credit on Paid Salaries.

• Processing of tax refunds.

• Preventive fiscal revision to detect, through revision, the most common errors made by taxpayers, which many times result in fiscal risks or excessive payments of contributions.

• Revision of financial statements of companies.

• Preparation and processing of payroll.

• Implementation of strategic plans for businesses to generate meaningful savings through the optimization of resources.