Mining is one of the productive activities of greater impact and importance in the economy of our country, since it contributes about 2% to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Furthermore, it contributes to the generation of millions of jobs. The latter is due to the fact that Mexico has a great amount of deposits of gold, silver, lead, zinc, molybdenum, iron, magnesium, fluorite, kaolin, phosphorite, and sodium sulfate. The aforementioned situation encourages the presence of a significant amount of foreign capital in national mining and therefore the establishment of a number of companies dedicated to the exploration and exploitation of minerals.
We at Cortez Berlanga & Asociados offer the following legal services both to individuals and companies linked to the mining sector:
- Legal advice for the correct compliance with the laws and regulations that make up the legal framework for mining in Mexico.
- Legal advice to investors, both national as foreigners, who intend to invest or install a mining company in Mexico.
- Legal advice for the formation of mining companies and their registration before the Public Registry of Mining Companies.
- Legal advice and management for obtaining and renewing permits, mining concessions, and allotments.
- Legal advice for the acquisition of mining rights.
- Legal advice for obtaining the expropriation, temporary occupancy, or creation of essential land easement to carry out activities of exploration and exploitation of metals.
- Legal advice, preparation and revision of all types of contracts that are necessary for the proper functioning and operation of mining companies.
- Legal advice, preparation and revision of contracts for the management, operation, royalties, and sale of metals.
- Legal advice for the study, creation, and revision of financing projects aimed at the acquisition of capital goods such as machinery and equipment, civil engineering tasks, industrial buildings, ore reduction plants, rescue of investment; permanent and/or revolving working capital; leasing of machinery, equipment, specialized transportation, and industrial buildings; and payment of liabilities owed to financial institutions, suppliers, and creditors generated by activities of the business, among others.