
Derecho datos personales Cortez Berlanga

The Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (LFPDPPP, for its Spanish acronym) which entered into force on July 6, 2010, has as its main objective regulating the personal data held by individuals and regulating its legitimate handling, both controlled and informed, in order to guarantee privacy and the right to control access to the personal information of individuals.

The latter caused for both, individuals and companies that handle personal data to be obliged to adhere to several legal, technical, and physical measures destined to protect such data. Therefore, our law firm offers the following services in order for you or your company to comply with the obligations set out under the aforementioned law:

• Legal advice to individuals with regard to the protection of personal data.

• Training to your company’s staff in charge of the handling of personal data.

• Preparation of the Privacy Notice in order for it to contain the features that are relevant to your professional practice, if you are an individual, or in accordance with your line of business if you are the owner of a company.

• Preparation of the request to exercise the ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation, or Opposition) for your professional practice or business.

• Legal defense against verification visits or sanctions filed by the Federal Institute for Matters on Information Access and Personal Data Protection.